Dienstag, 18. September 2012

What to do to earn a top nonprofit salary

According to the Chronicle of Philanthropy´s new Nonprofit Executive Compensation Report it is not always the president of an institution who earns top dollars. Reviewing the list of best nonprofit earners three other candidates beat the president´s salaries: experts with specialized knowledge, financial managers and fundraisers. So, if you are looking to make top dollars within a nonprofit organization get expertise in these respective fields!

2 Kommentare:

  1. Können Sie Beispiele für Experten im Bereich Kultur nennen?

  2. On the nonprofit compensation report mentioned above those I call experts are doctors, specialized in a medical field. But they exist in the arts, too. In the arts being an expert means outstanding artistic talent. In the performing classical music industry f.e. these are soloists and conductors. There are a few classical musicians who hit a six figure fee for a single performance. The top 10 music directors in the US make between ~ 685k and 1,827,801 dollars annually (source: Adaptistration 2012 Music Director Compensation Report) at a single orchestra. Taking into account that most music directors have several orchestras worldwide and numerous guest conducting engagements the annual earnings go well beyond that.
